Meet Dan Konopka: Mixing Engineer


Read the original article from SHOUTOUTLA

We had the good fortune of connecting with Dan Konopka and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dan, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Starting my own business as a mixing engineer was really a decision to give my earliest professional dream a real chance – and to make sure I could pay my bills without having to get a “real” job. My normal job (playing drums in the band OK Go) income stream was compromised by bandmates having babies and wanting to tour a lot less than we used to. (then Covid-19 hit too) I had to really think hard about believing in myself as a mixing engineer, and that I was “good enough” to do it professionally. I wasn’t sure at all if I was – and if the business model would work for me – but I knew I loved doing it. I knew if I just kept at it something would give, and I would meet my needs.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m very proud of what OK Go has done. Being a part of such a talented and driven group of friends, making the art that was authentic to who we are, has been an amazing experience. It was never easy, but it was never really that hard either. Now I’m working with musical artists from around the world, and it’s super inspiring to be a part of their musical journeys. Helping people find, and improve their sound is one of the most exciting things in the world to me. Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My son, Cohen Icon Collective Production School Beverly Taylor Shachar Gilad




Image Credits
Gus Powell Mary Fagot


Mixes ‘SoundBetter’ With KRK for OK Go’s Dan Konopka


Under the Monocle: Dan Konopka